The Department has been a member of the Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (CAROSAI) since it was established in 1988. The Auditor General of Trinidad and Tobago was the Secretary General up to 2005 September.  From 2005 October the Secretariat is housed in the office of the Director of Audit of Saint Lucia and the current Director of Audit of Saint Lucia is the Secretary General of CAROSAI

CAROSAI is one the regional groupings which come under the umbrella of the parent body INTOSAI (International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions).  This organization was established primarily to promote understanding and co-operation among member institutions through the exchange of audit ideas and experiences, audit techniques, audit programmes, audit manuals, formats and standards for public sector accounts and training in public sector accounts and audit.

CAROSAI celebrates its 25th Anniversary in 2013. The Auditor General’s Department is hosting the IXth Congress of CAROSAI during the anniversary year.

To learn more about CAROSAI click here (http://www.carosai.org)

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